Red Stare Pale Skin
So, if you recall from my first post I mentioned I will also be reviewing scary stories. Not just movies and their trailers. Today is my first Scary Story Sunday, which is when I will be posting reviews of horror stories. Today I will be reviewing one o f my favorites so more of you become familiar with this bone-chilling tale. The story is known by multiple names: The Keyhole, White with Red, The Angry Ghost in Room 113. Prior to my review, I will post the story so you can read it, then my review right after. There are so many version of this story that it is hard to review just one, but I'm going to tell you the version that I heard. Then I will post links to different version so you can see where the tale developed from. It was a dark and stormy night when a distant traveller was passing through an unfamiliar town. Worried for his safety he knew he had to find a place to stay the night. Out of the fog, he saw the red fluorescent lights of a motel sign. Thankfull...